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Friday, 9 April - link

bare naked ben and mena beta testing

A picture of Ben and Mena Trott, the still-cherubic but increasingly professional couple at the heart of the Six Apart company developing Movable Type, the weblog management software I use here, and Typepad, the weblog hosting service I recommend to most people:

trotting Ben and Mena - January 2004, July of 2002

I use Movable Type almost every day - posting to various web sites, and especially for deleting spam comments (really, if there are going to be dozens of links to scat porn posted on my web site in a day, I should really be posting some first, to get things rolling).

The new version of the Movable Type software should stop comment spam, at least for two weeks until enterprising offshore internet businesspeople figure out a workaround. And besides that, the next version could allow me to write to the web more better and faster!

So this post isn't to say much, except that I hope the Trotts will let me beta-test the new version of Movable Type soon.

Posted on 9 April 2004 : 10:04 (TrackBack)
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Justin's Links, by Justin Hall.