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Monday, 11 August - link


Fin-land would seem to mean the land of the Finns. But according to "Of Finnish Ways," Finland means more like Fenn-land, Fenn as in fen or marsh. If you go buy what the Finns themselves call Finland, that's "Suomi" which means swampy.

I'm reading Aini Rajanen's "Of Finnish Ways" because I'm travelling to Finland this Friday. Unlike my previous trips to that modern world capital, I'm taking the time to do some studying up on Suomi so I have more context, presumedly a richer experience. This book is warm and breezy, dated 1981 and stamped as expired property of the Forest Park Library near Seattle Washington - a pleasant side effect of buying used books off the interweb.

I'm also setting flame to the fabulous cross-continental connectors. From Jason, I received some good Finnish game-industry conversationalists; each of them said "Too bad you're missing Assembly." savusau3.gifBut a week in their town should be enough time to grab a smoke sauna with somebody. If they have that in the big city!

Mostly, I'm just looking for some hip guides, some good conversation, a tip to good streets for walking, curious places for eating. Some of that can be found on the web, A to Zed or perhaps in the pooled knowledge of a travel club.

I'm officially invited as a guest of TheFeature; I'm participating in as event they're hosting to relaunch their web site. I'll be giving a short talk about the future of mobile media and human relations. Eating reindeer steak, seeing Perry Hoberman perform at the excellent Kiasma Museum. Wandering wide streets hoping to drop in on a small glimpse of something from the other side of the world that seems like it could have been next door. Or pushing my body in strange positions of dance or sweat in the company of people not speaking a language I don't really know but I treasure the chance to be surrounded by so many signs with so many vowels on them. I'll be taking photographs that I expect to post on the Internet.

I've travelled before, with more serendipity in store. This time I'm staying longer and scheduling more.
Finland Dates: August 15 through August 22. Email or comment if you're in the 'hood.

Posted on 11 August 2003 : 00:36 (TrackBack)
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Justin's Links, by Justin Hall.