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Monday, 30 August - link


friend Michael once said his first word was "round" because he was spending a lot of time staring at a spinning record player. Imitating his baby diction, he repeated it again when we were in high school together: "wound, wound wound." Wound is how I feel damn! Too many classes and work besides I bit off more than I could even fit in my mouth. I don't know I mean I know exactly how this happened - optimism. I've sprained my optimism this Monday. Hello, to remind myself of daylight joys and bypass nighttime overwork underperformance homework stacks and unanswered everything, I post this:

Project for film class: make a 3 minute video. Edit in camera. I followed Cody to Venice beach. There the city has dedicated graffiti walls, where visitors can add a layer of color. Muralist Cody had her birthday party there this Saturday. I taped her painting, then I rewound and I taped again. The resulting 3 minutes is not chronologically linear.

Cody's Birthday Mural - 16.5 megabyte, 3 minute, silent Quicktime

Posted on 30 August 2004 : 23:51 (TrackBack)
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Justin's Links, by Justin Hall.