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Friday, 12 March - link

questions of fidelity, purpose and passion

Landed in Austin. Taco and trying on cowboy boots within 30 minutes off the tarmac. Thanks Lulu.

My current life is a series of conversations which break up my listening to the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. Each time I'm alone with my thoughts again, there's a Karen O refrain echoing around my skull and I slip my ears back into that hard sensual confirmation. It's really the perfect soundtrack to my study, an inquiry into sacred sexuality. Over the last few weeks I've arranged enough contacts and mailing lists that now when I open my laptop, the information appears before me: to feed my brain. And my friends call with problems that all seem to revolve around core questions about fidelity, purpose and passion.

Posted on 12 March 2004 : 17:08 (TrackBack)
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February 2005 - comments are closed on Links.net. Thanks.

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Justin's Links, by Justin Hall.