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Sunday, 9 November - link


People with firm goals get more done, we both agreed. It felt like natural knowledge - pick something you want to do and focus on it.

frenching up the stove Chris prepares pan-fried ribeye steak covered in a pomegranate reduction. There were scallions involved as well. I think he was winging it. Seeding a pomegranate takes a lot of work. Jen and I amused ourselves by unevenly recounting to Chris the ancient greek myth of Persephone, Hades and the pomegranate seeds.
What are your goals right now? he asked. We were both still largely regarding the couch where his wife had just been sleeping before she climbed off to bed. He had mostly stopped playing with the baby's play structure that resembled a sort of sail - he had been trying to balance it on his finger, and he was doing pretty well.

I felt tired, tired like I could stay awake, but weary like bed was at the end of a short night drive and I might as well honor my newfound commitment to my feelings and trundle off soon.

My goals? I ruminated over my recent agenda. I want to get my life in order, my house in order. Clean up, fix things, get healthy, arrange my life for more solidity.

Those are to-do list items, he replied - a kind dismissal. What are your goals?

Posted on 9 November 2003 : 17:42 (TrackBack)
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Justin's Links, by Justin Hall.