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Saturday, 13 November - link

aiki return

For the first time in months, I went to an Aikido class. I loved it. It wasn't my dojo, I didn't feel encouraged towards enlightenment the same way I did most days at East Bay Aikido. Still, it felt so good to use my body. To roll around on the floor. To have contact with another person. I thought about Candace, and my last test - I actually worked on Aikido for a year. That was some regular discipline! A movement towards mastery. Of course, a long way to go. For me, attending different schools, learning new ways to dance, that has something to do with my understanding. Appreciating new teaching - at this local dojo, they talk about using the whole body. And that's something I need - I've been all about my fingers and my tongue since school started. Time to start something with these thighs. My trunk!

Posted on 13 November 2004 : 22:55 (TrackBack)
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Justin's Links, by Justin Hall.