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Date: Wed, 24 Jan 1996 12:56:21 -0800
From: Rocky Mullin <>
Subject: (Fwd) 1984 - Baltimore goes under the camera (fwd)

--- Forwarded mail from Adam Gould <>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 20 Jan 1996 08:41:50 -0500 (EST)
From: FringeWare Daily <>
Subject: 1984 - Baltimore goes under the camera

Sent from: (Sean Carton)

Well, well, well...isn't this exciting! I woke up Saturday morning,
opened the newspaper (the Baltimore Sun) and discovered that Baltimore is
about to join the growing list of Cities Under Surveilance.

The Sun announced today that the Baltimore Police Department, in
cooperation with the Downtown Partnership (a group of businessdroids who
own stores downtown) have decided to put 200 video cameras on "nearly
every street corner" in Baltimore. The whole thing is expected to go on
line by 1997.

Big Brother? Who cares! In the words of our esteemed mayor Kurt Schmoke:

"Most people said that they would much rather have enhanced safety than
worry about video cameras. I know that some people get nervous of Big
Brother, but I think everyone wants us to make Baltimore safe. This is a
giant step toward doing that."

This view seems to be supported by some of the locals, too:

"I don't mind a bit," said Norkeita Beekham, who sells pocketbooks at a
[Lexington] market stall," If you aren't doing anything wrong, what do
you have to worry about? The camera is for your protection."

Yeah. And I bet Norkeita sends all her mail on postcards, too. We should
all become intimately familiar with her mantra: "The Camera is for your
protection. The Camera is for your protection. The Camera is for your
protection. War is peace. Freedom is slavery..."

Get ready. The Video Patrol Program is probably coming to a streetcorner
near you soon.

Sean Carton -- \ c /\ a /\ l /\ i /\ b /\ a /\ n /\ rocky mullin _\____/__\____/__\____/__\____/__\____/__\____/__\____/__\ organic online \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ san francisco \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ ninja250 -- analog synthesis -- chaotic good -- the internet is my ashtray

7 february '96

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