Justin Hall's personal site growing & breaking down since 1994

watch overshare: the story contact me : vita : fwp :

fwp: class of '93

I've posted these addresses cuz they worked more recently than anything else. Bear in mind that some folks check their e-mail more often than others.

Many of these are college addresses, and many have moved on.

If I'm missin' anybody, please let me know.

name, e-mail, web site

Oscar Amos: Oh Me! Oh My.
Marshall Brown
GK Darby: garrett county journal
Jay Duerr: Acacia
Cameron Friedlander: ?
Tony Frenzel: mrmoo@BLAHZINE.COM: blah zine
Justin Hall: Justin's Links from the Underground
Josh Koppel: Citizen Poke
Leigh Keiser
Noah Luken
Richard Martin
Alec Michod: the Nirvana Seizures
Hollins Mills
Jenni Piser
Judah Rodgon: the gospel of judah
kendra segal - I don't think she's checked her mail since october 96
Donnan Steele: Mindscape
Hanna Stotland: have a molson

parker | vita |

justin's links by justin hall: contact