Comments on experiments in hair gel gone wrong
commentson 24 June 2004 : 20:10, James sez:

Justin --

I am really looking forward to hearing more dispatches from your time at U.S.C. It's sure to make for interesting reading.

commentson 25 June 2004 : 06:25, ethan sez:

it might be time for some more volunteering. i first was going to suggest a regular job for the summer, but that might be "the simple life" meets "wierd science". make a difference offline. t-e-a-c-h. i am waiting for you to put the pedal to the metal- talent and wonderful heart to good use. i have faith in you, and i look to you for inspiration. such is your charge as the holden caufield of the net. wwhd? older and wiser holden that is. if you are looking to get healthy, i bet giving time to kids would do the trick. 30 is coming quick. time to shift gears and be a howard to someone else.

commentson 25 June 2004 : 06:34, e sez:

don't get me wrong... i hope you continue to go bananas, but i think you'd feel super if you gave some time to helping others and spread the message again. you are a goldmine of smarts and energy. yawp.

commentson 25 June 2004 : 08:54, justin sez:

Hey Ethan - thanks for that. That's a great idea, nicely stated. My Aikido teacher up in Oakland worked with HomeBoy Industries down here; I've thought about looking them up to see about volunteering some. Thanks for the push!

commentson 5 July 2004 : 04:20, Richard Feynman sez:

Another thing I must point out is that you cannot prove a vague theory wrong.

February 2005 - comments are closed on Thanks.