Comments on inverse relationship
commentson 14 February 2004 : 06:33, Lee sez:

Remember the whole thread about how Jane made Justin boring? That was hilarious, for some reason (and of course disturbing because of the anomisity shown by some people, like all good comment threads)

commentson 14 February 2004 : 17:24, James sez:

I read this today, and it reminded me of your recent postings about the desire for love:

"The trouble about man is that he insists on being master of his own fate, and he insists on oneness. For instance, having discovered the ecstasy of spiritual love, he insists that he shall have this all the time, and nothing but this, for this is life. It is what he calls 'heightening' life. He wants his nerves to be set vibrating in the intense and exhilarating unison with the nerves of another being, and by this means he acquires an ecstasy of vision, he finds himself in glowing unison with all the universe.

"But as a matter of fact, this glowing unison is only a temporary thing, because the first law of life is that each organism is isolate in itself, it must return to its own isolation."

-- D.H. Lawrence, "Edgar Allan Poe," in D.H. Lawrence's Stories, Essays, and Poems, published by Everyman's Library (London 1932).

commentson 14 February 2004 : 19:54, Liz sez:

Howard said it best....

"Sometimes, love isn't something you find, but something you build -- a process you work on, not a package you encounter."

Now this is a man who LOVES!

commentson 15 February 2004 : 17:46, Mel sez:

Feeling truly connected or electrified by another person, for even a few minutes (or hours), can fuel some truly inspired work. Not so satisfying in the long run but good for you as an artist.

commentson 20 February 2004 : 04:47, shady sez:

mmm. the small hours. they are a very tasty group. not too many people have heard of them. i think it's directly related to the fact they don't tour around here (philadelphia) very often, if ever.

February 2005 - comments are closed on Thanks.