Comments on evolution
commentson 29 January 2004 : 00:24, John sez:

Hmmm. You know, what you describe in the past few days is how I felt in the last few months before graduating from college (almost a decade ago). A mental drifting, nostalgia, foreboding, anticipation, boredom, mild depression, restlessness.

commentson 29 January 2004 : 13:27, Taylor sez:

I think it has to do with having no love right now.

The breakup with Jane must have been dramatic.

I feel for you, Justin.

commentson 30 January 2004 : 11:31, brent sez:

There's some great short story by Hemingway (all of them?) where the protagonist is camping after going through a trying time. The guy is paying so much attention to everything he's doing. The frying pan. The eggs. Etc. I don't like to suffer but suffering sometimes forces us to live more in the moment, methinks. If the moment includes scantily clad babes (albeit computer generated), all the better! Safe travels!

commentson 31 January 2004 : 14:10, shady sez:

postal service is goodness, but turn it off. there's no use in making bad things worse with depressing sunken music.

try ordering a good book, like mark driver's brilliant social commentary "just another empire" from his website

commentson 2 February 2004 : 05:52, Russ sez:

I might have to disagree with shady. Sometimes, it just feels good to be sad and contemplative for a bit (just don't let it become a habit). On a lighter note, is it just me or does the "Max Pleasure" picture look like a (video-game-turned?) porno box?

commentson 3 February 2004 : 01:53, tram sez:

such great heights, a recent favorite of mine as well. it's very repeatable, and though someone above might be right in suggesting that postal service is depressing, at least such great heights as a cheerful surface, yes? take care.

February 2005 - comments are closed on Thanks.