Comments on mo bile
commentson 8 July 2003 : 20:57, Don Wrege sez:

I learned the real beauty of Christianity from a lovely lady earning her Masters in "Divinity" at the Southern Babtist Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. No kidding:

I told her I'd never met a credentialed divine girl before... she convinced me, from a Southern Babtist standpoint, that you can't have God without the Devil. You just can't believe in one without the other. So there is both good and evil in the world. Makes sense to me. Balance.

Okay. So do Christian video games make the Devil the bad guy? Or bad guys affected by the Devil?

Is a Catholic priest who abuses a kid a bad guy? Is the Devil inside the Catholic church?

There's a shoot-em up for you. A confession booth duel between an alter boy and a misguided twisted priest. Doubt you'll see it.

Like my grandpa used to say, "The Devil can quote scripture."

We're in more trouble than we know.



February 2005 - comments are closed on Thanks.