Comments on pantpantpant
commentson 27 March 2003 : 19:41, Taylor sez:

>I feel a certain priviledge to have that as my problem.

I am with you, brother.

commentson 28 March 2003 : 03:34, Liz sez:

It's nice to see a person express some gratitude. I make a gratitude list(mentally, sometimes in writing) everyday. Keeps me off the pity pot. :D

commentson 28 March 2003 : 12:53, franck sez:

what is "pantpantpant" ? :-)

commentson 29 March 2003 : 16:20, Taylor sez:

>what is "pantpantpant" ? :-)

I think Justin is looking for his pants.

February 2005 - comments are closed on Thanks.